
May 27, 2021

Economic Bubble – Definition

Economic Bubble Definition A bubble as an economic season with a very...

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Bretton Woods System – Definition

Bretton Woods System Definition  Bretton Woods System, developed in 1944 during the...

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BRIC Countries Defined

Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC Countries) Definition BRIC is used to...

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Balance of Trade Definition

The Balance of Trade Definition The balance of trade (BOT) is the...

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Balance of Payments Definition

The Balance of Payments Definition The balance of payments refers to a...

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Arrow’s Impossibility Theory – Definition

Arrows Impossibility Theorem Defined Arrows Impossibility Theorem is a theory developed by...

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Accommodative Monetary Policy – Definition

Accommodative Monetary Policy Definition Accommodative monetary policy, also known as easy monetary...

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CEO Confidence Survey – Definition

CEO Confidence Survey Definition The CEO Confidence Survey is a monthly survey...

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Humphrey Hawkins Act – Definition

Humphrey-Hawkins Act Definition The Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act, more formally known as...

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Centrally Planned Economy – Definition

Centrally Planned Economy Definition A planned or centralized economy is one in...

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Limited Flexibility Exchange Rate System – Definition

Limited Flexibility Exchange Rate System Definition The International Monetary Fund’s name for...

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NAB Business Confidence Index – Definition

NAB Business Confidence Index Definition The NAB Business Confidence Index is an...

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Network Externalities – Definition

Network Externalities Definition Network externalities is an economics concept that describes the...

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Neoliberalism (Economic Theory) – Definition

Neoliberalism Definition Neoliberalism is an ideology and policy model that advocates for...

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Neoclassical Economics – Definition

Neoclassical Economics Defined Neoclassical Economics is a dominant economic theory that argues,...

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National Average Wage Index – Definition

National Average Wage Index Defined The Social Security Administration (SSA) of the...

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Capital Formation Defined

Capital Formation Defined Capital formation refers to the accumulation of capital goods,...

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Ricardo Barro Effect – Definition

Ricardo-Barro Effect Definition The Ricardo-Barro Effect is a microeconomic concept that suggests...

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