Aquarium Diseases & Pests


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The aquarium hobby can be due to the Introduction of pests and diseases. It looks like each time another one pops up to take its place. It feels as though you can not win.

This webpage provides information about the marine Fish and invertebrate pests and diseases, together with their treatments. This information is designed to be used as a principle. Ensure that you need more info or consult the local aquarium dealer or expert if you’re not certain about remedies.

Aquarium Parasites

Marine Whitespot Disease

Names: Cryptocaryon Irritans, Saltwater Ich

Symptoms: scratching and Flicking against other surfaces and rocks, little spots resembling sugar covering body and fins.

Description: This disorder is Infectious and can spread to other fish in the tank. Rapid treatment is suggested. It’s usually not fatal if treated in a fair period of time.

Remedy: If the infestation is minor Freshwater bath may prove effective. If the fish starts to become stressed Cease the freshwater bath. For more infestations, use the cryptocaryon parasites to be killed by drugs. In a reef tank surroundings, the fish that was infected has to be transferred to a hospital tank for treatment. Never include copper chemicals to an aquarium. Some treatments have emerged on the market that claim to control parasites. Consult with the local aquarium dealer.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress allows parasites to get a foothold also breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish. Any new fish stored in a tank for two to three weeks and ought to be given a freshwater bath before being introduced to the aquarium. Using an ultraviolet sterilizer has been proven to help prevent outbreaks of the disease.

Marine Velvet Disease

Names: Amyloodinium Ocellatum, Saltwater Ich Oodinium

Symptoms: scratching and Flicking Against rocks tiny white spots, and other surfaces, rapid breathing which give a velvet appearance to it.

Description: This is Certainly the Deadly and infectious fish disease. The parasites eventually move causing suffocation that is slow and grow. It can spread to other fish in the tank. It can lead to death if not treated immediately. Quick treatment is mandatory for fish’s survival.

Treatment: Use drugs To kill the amyloodinium parasites. In a reef tank surroundings, the fish that was infected has to be transferred to a hospital tank for treatment. Never add aluminum chemicals to an aquarium. Some treatments have emerged on the market that claim to control parasites. Consult with the local aquarium dealer.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress allows parasites to get a foothold and breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish. Any new fish stored in a tank for two to three weeks and ought to be given a freshwater bath before being introduced to the aquarium. Using an ultraviolet sterilizer has been proven to help prevent outbreaks of the disease.

Black Spot Disease

Symptoms: scratching and Flicking against rocks little black spots on the body, and other surfaces.

Description: This disorder is due to Parasitic worms. The spots are not as numerous as those in white spot disease. Additionally spot disease isn’t nearly as deadly.

Remedy: If the infestation is minor Freshwater bath may prove effective. If the fish starts to become stressed Cease the freshwater bath. For cases that are worse, use trichlorofon or a copper . In a reef tank surroundings, the fish that was infected has to be transferred to a hospital tank for treatment. Never include copper chemicals to an aquarium. Some treatments have emerged on the market that claim to control parasites. Consult with the local aquarium dealer.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress allows parasites to get a foothold also breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish. Any new fish stored in a tank for two to three weeks and ought to be given a freshwater bath before being introduced to the aquarium. Using an ultraviolet sterilizer has been proven to help prevent outbreaks of the disease.

Fin and gill Flukes

Symptoms: scratching and Flicking Against other surfaces and rocks, rapid breathing, eyes that are cloudy, white spots in your body, worm-like parasites visible but not necessarily.

Description: This is just another disease That can be deadly if not treated and is highly contagious. Small parasites cause it. They can clog the gill of the fish resulting in suffocation and multiply quickly.

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Remedy: A freshwater bath will By killing the majority of the parasites Provide relief for the fish. A saltwater bath with blue is valuable. Some treatments have been released. Contact the local aquarium dealer.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress allows parasites to get a foothold also breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish. Any new fish stored in a tank for two to three weeks and ought to be given a freshwater bath before being introduced to the aquarium. Using an ultraviolet sterilizer has been proven to help prevent outbreaks of the disease.

Virus and Bacterial Infections

Bacterial Finrot

Symptoms: Erosion of fin rays and fins areas, lethargy.

Description: This disorder is Related to stress caused by poor water quality. Animals can resist infections. Finrot begins as a outside disease. In acute cases, mouth and the creature’s body could be eaten away.

Remedy: Describe the source of anxiety And correct the issue. The animal should be treated with antibiotics in a hospital tank, if this doesn’t correct the issue. By adding antibiotics to the 6, invertebrates can be killed and harm the filter.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress enables bacteria to get a foothold and breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish. Using an ultraviolet sterilizer can help prevent outbreaks of the disease.

Bacterial Infection

Names: Pseudomonas,Vibrio

Symptoms: Reddened Abdominal, Open sores respiration poor appetite, lethargy, weight loss.

Description: This disorder is Related to stress caused by poor water quality. Animals can resist infections.

Remedy: Describe the source of anxiety And correct the issue. The animal should be treated with antibiotics in a hospital tank, if this doesn’t correct the issue. By adding antibiotics to the 6, invertebrates can be killed and harm the filter.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress enables bacteria to get a foothold and breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish. Using an ultraviolet sterilizer can help prevent outbreaks of the disease.


Names: Cauliflower Disease

Symptoms: warty clumps on the fins that resemble cauliflowers.

Description: This disorder is caused by a Virus looks worse than it is. If water quality is preserved, It’s rarely fatal and will clear up on its own.

Treatment: There is no effective Treatment for this disorder. A freshwater dip that is brief might help. Symptoms and maintain water quality should improve with time. If a bacterial infection should happen, move the animal and treat with antibiotics.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress allows and breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish The virus to get a foothold. Any new fish should be given A freshwater stored in a tank for two and bath Before being introduced to the aquarium weeks.

Additional Aquarium Diseases

Marine Fungus

Names: CNS Infection, Ichthyophonus

Symptoms: Darkening in colour poor appetite.

Description: This disorder is Related to stress caused by poor water quality. This isn’t a disease that is common and treatment is extremely tough. When adding animals the fungus is introduced to the tank.

Treatment: Treatment for this disorder is difficult. Enhance the environment and eliminate any causes of stress. Try a medication that is proprietary . If the fish is eating food may be effective.

Prevention: Insure water quality that is Decent And temperature parameters to prevent animals. Stress allows the fungus and breaks down the protective mucous coating onto a fish. Any new fish stored in a tank for two to three weeks and ought to be given a freshwater bath before being introduced to the aquarium.

Head and Lateral Line Erosion

Names: HLLE

Symptoms: the formation of pits in the skin and Erosion of the line.

Description: This disorder is Due to water quality and poor conditions. The state of the fish will deteriorate if conditions aren’t improved and the animal may die.

Remedy: Improve conditions, maintain diet and water quality. The use of vitamin supplements might help.

Prevention: temperature parameters and Insure water quality. Maintain wholesome diet.


Other Names: None

Symptoms: behaviour, darting around the tank breathing.

Description: This condition could be Due to the introduction or overdosing of other substances that were poisonous, heavy metals, chlorine or chloramine, household chemicals, or drugs. Immediate action must avoid harm or poisoning.

Remedy: Remove the pollutants from The tank through the use and water changes of like activated carbon filter media. Transfer the animals to a tank with water if the status is critical.

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Prevention: Keep water Attempt and quality to stop the inclusion of toxins. A cover to the aquarium might help. When using drugs follow directions.


Names: Poor Diet

Symptoms: Tendency to bloat after feeding thinness loss of colour.

Description: malnutrition’s indications can be like other diseases.

Remedy: Give a good diet. Use the sorts of food for each animal. The use of vitamin supplements may be useful in recovery.

Prevention: Diet and Insure proper feeding. Avoid overfeeding.

Aquarium Pests

Brown Algae

Symptoms: Fuzzy patches on the glass of the aquarium that spread to sand the stones, and decorations.

Description: Brown algae is a Occurrence in newly setup aquariums. It’s not an algae. It is a colony of creatures. Silicates and nitrates usually cause brown algae from the water. Lighting can also causes it. Silicates can be introduced to the water via tap water. Avoid using tap water. Silicates may leech from some substrates. Avoid using gravel. Using crushed coral or sand as a substrate will decrease levels.

Remedy: Wipe the glass With a excellent aquarium scraper. Scrapers are available which will allow you to clean the glass. Silicates and nitrates often cause brown algae from the water. Check levels and carry out water changes with excellent water that is pure.

Prevention: Brown algae After a aquarium gets established, goes away. If you continue to have problems, be certain to carry out water changes a couple of times . Water changes are the best way to control algae. Put in a good quality protein skimmer to remove waste if you do not have one. You could put in a reactor to remove phosphates. Be sure you use pure water. Consider investing in an RO/DI water filtration system. Additionally, be certain you’re using lights that are made for aquarium use. Make sure that the bulbs aren’t too old. Bulbs should be replaced every 12 – 18 months. Following that, the wavelength can promote growth and of the light changes. Ensure that you aren’t leaving the lights on for over ten hours every day.

Hair Algae

Symptoms: strands of algae which filters, decorations, or resemble hair growth on the rocks.

Description: Hair algae has its name from its appearance. It resembles hair in the aquarium. It’s due to an excess of phosphates and nitrates from the water. If not treated hair algae may spread quickly and can conquer the tank once recognized.

Remedy: Test your water for phosphates and nitrates. You can get find an assortment of filter press, if phosphates are high. Follow the directions. Don’t leave the filter in the water for more than the use. The filter may leak back phosphates in the water, if left too long. Perform water changes if nitrates are large. Don’t use tap water.

Prevention: Hair may be By maintaining water quality controlled. Be certain to carry out water changes a couple of times . Put in a good quality protein skimmer to remove waste if you do not have one. You could put in a reactor to remove phosphates. Be sure you use water that is pure. Consider investing in an RO/DI water filtration system. Additionally, be certain you’re using lights that are made for aquarium use and the bulbs aren’t too old. Bulbs should be replaced every 12 – 18 months. Following that, the wavelength can promote growth and of the light changes. Ensure that you aren’t currently leaving the lights on. You might also need to bring some herbivores. Sally lightfoot crabs, crabs, tangs, and turbo snails make choices for algae. If your aquarium is set up for invertebrates, you might want to keep several hermit crabs and turbo snails as part of your”clean-up crew”. You might want to think about using sand . Sand comprises microorganisms that can help remove nitrates.

Bubble Algae

Symptoms: Green, black, or Are attached to the stones and on filters and the glass.

Description: This is a form of algae. The bubbles are. These vesicles contain spores. After the vesicle grows large enough, it is going to pop and release thousands of spores that will travel round the aquarium to form vesicles that are new. Bubble algae with shapes and colours of a lot of species, but they have the exact characteristics. Once it has established algae is tough to remove.

Treatment: The first step for Treatment would be to remove as much of the algae. Remove the bubbles with a sharp tool like razor blade or a screwdriver. Be careful because this can help the spread, not to pop the bubbles. Part two of this treatment requires the use of herbivores. Crabs can be useful preventing its recurrence and eliminating bubble algae. Sally lightfoot crabs and crabs may also be useful. It’s been reported that some crab species may eat bubble algae.

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Prevention: Prevention of bubble Algae is much exactly the same as many algae. You have to reduce the food supply of the algae by removing nutrients. There is A protein skimmer a fantastic investment for any aquarist. A reactor that is phosphate may help remove excess nutrients. Regular water changes are necessary if you would like to prevent algae. Be sure you use water that is pure. Consider investing in an RO/DI water filtration system.

Slime Algae

Symptoms: brown algae or dark reddish That covers sand and the rocks . It’s a texture that is slimy and will be seen with air bubbles on it. Algae will peel off in sheets.

Description: This isn’t An algae in any way. It’s a form of bacteria. It might represent an evolutionary link between algae and bacteria and is among the oldest forms of life on earth. It spread across the aquarium and gradually might start out in patches.

Treatment: Commercial antibiotic Remedies for slime algae are available at the local aquarium store. They change follow the instructions and ensure to read the directions. The bacteria which filter the water can be affected by use of antibiotics. Nitrite levels and monitor ammonia use to be certain that your filtration hasn’t been damaged. The majority of these remedies are safe for use in a reef aquarium as long as you follow the instructions. These remedies are effective for controlling slime algae outbreaks when used correctly.

Prevention: Slime algae is Brought on by high levels of nutrients and waste from the water. Be certain to carry out water changes a couple of times . Water changes are the best way to control algae. Put in a good quality protein skimmer to remove waste if you do not have one. You could put in a reactor to remove phosphates.

Asterina Starfish

Symptoms: Tiny Spotted starfish all around aquarium glass and the stones. They’re no bigger than your thumbnail and will be seen to have five and between two legs of varying lengths.

Description: These starfish are known as asterina. They’re an invasive species that is added to the aquarium for a hitchhiker on coral or rock when it’s added to the aquarium. The starfish multiply by breaking their legs off. Will grow to a starfish in a few days. Asterina can defeat a reef tank and can decimate your coral once released. There’s some disagreement as to whether asterina will consume coral over the aquarium community. I can tell you that they do. It started out and then there were thousands of these. I recently had an outbreak in my aquarium and my zoanthids all had completely disappeared. I dropped a torch coral. They removed the coralline algae nearly all .

Remedy: The effective Treatment for an asterina invasion is control by way of the harlequin shrimp. The harlequin shrimp’s diet is made up of starfish. I included my reef aquarium and two harlequin shrimp and the asterina were gone. The only issue with this therapy is unless you can find a way that when the asterina are gone, the fish will starve. You offer them back and can eliminate them if you can catch them. Be careful though. You’ll need to remove them For those who have some starfish in your aquarium. Each starfish they could find will be eaten by them.

Prevention: Since asterina are Introduced into the aquarium as hitchhikers, the prevention technique is to analyze each piece of coral or live rock before introducing it. Eliminate any asterina stars before they multiply to proportions, you will see on your tank.

Aiptasia Anemones

Symptoms: Small anemones. The have tentacles and a disk.

Description: Aiptasia are just one of The banes of the reef aquarium hobbyist. They’re an invasive species that is added to the aquarium for a hitchhiker on coral or rock when it’s added to the aquarium. If not treated they multiply quickly and can take over a reef aquarium. Fish and harm corals can be stung by them. Bigger anemones have been known to catch and eat fish.

Remedy: When treatment of Aiptasia biological or chemical. Chemical remedies are available that could work. They’re marketed under names such as Joe’s Juice or Aiptasia X. I’ve had great results with Aiptasia X. These products are applies to the anemone with a syringe. The anemone implode and will shrivel. The issue with these products is the anemone will grow back, so keep using it until they’re gone and you must be diligent. The products are safe for use in a reef aquarium. There is A therapy available in the form of a fish. The aiptasia eating filefish, or matted filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) will consume the anemones and may completely wash out a severe infestation in a matter of months. I’d suggest going with the filefish for infestations and the Aiptasia X for infestations.

Prevention: Since aiptasia are Introduced to the aquarium the prevention, as hitchhikers Live rock or method is to analyze each piece of coral Introducing it. Heal any aiptasia Remedies when you see them to keep them away from spreading out.

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