Aquarium Equipment Guide


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There are a lot of choices when is comes to gear Available to the marine aquarium hobbyist of today. The only limitation to the hobby is that the size of your pocketbook. Our aquarium equipment manual can help guide you through the maze of equipment and accessories available from the saltwater and marine reef aquarium hobby, such as water testing equipment, temperature control, filters, chemicals, and accessories. A number of the equipment is optional, but might create your hobby more enjoyable and easier once you’re prepared to move on to another level.

Water Quality


A hydrometer is among the tools in the Aquarium hobby. It’s used to gauge that the aquarium water, which will let you know just how much salt is in the water to the specific gravity. The hydrometer employs when full of water a dial which will indicate the reading. For a marine aquarium, the specific gravity should be kept at near 1.026 with the water temperature at 78 degrees F (26 degrees C).

pH Monitors

PH Monitors offer the capability to monitor the pH of your aquarium water. They consist of an electronic device with an electronic readout. The probe can be put in the water, generally in the sump, to give a constant readout of the water pH. The units have to be periodically calibrated using specific calibration fluids. Once calibrated, pH monitors supply a convenient alternative to using test kits and provide readings.

RO/DI Filters

Water quality is a concern for the marine aquarium hobbyist. The quality of tap water in most areas isn’t good enough to be used in reef aquariums containing invertebrates and corals. RO/DI filters consist of a membrane that filters the water through a process called reverse osmosis (RO). The water also passes through many of canister filters including a deionizer (DI). Pure water can be provided by units. All though an upfront investment is required by them, they more convenient cheaper in the long run and are buying water or than buying bottles water. RO/DI units may also be bought with built in Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meters to offer a digital readout of water quality at every stage of the filtration procedure. Filters must be replaces but can be found online at reduced prices. If you’re currently looking planning to maintain corals and invertebrates on your aquarium an RO/DI filtration device is a recommended piece of equipment.

Salinity Monitors

Monitors that are salinity will be the option for assessing Saltwater’s salinity. They consist of an electronic device. The salinity will exhibit from the readout After the probe is exposed to water. Monitors have to be calibrated with a calibration fluid that was special. Once calibrated, they can provide readings. Their advantage over refractometers and hydrometers is they can provide constant readings. The probe can be left in the sump, generally in the water, to give a constant readout of the salinity of the water.

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Salinity Refractometers

Refractometers are And track the concentration of salt . They’re available as a substitute for the hydrometer. They can give accurate readings and do cost a little more but are stronger. If you aren’t careful to keep bubbles hydrometers can be tricky to work with and can provide false readings. Calibrated, refractometers can provide readings. Aquarium retailers provide a fluid which may be used to calibrate the refractometer.

TDS Meters

A TDS meter is Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in a sample of liquid. TDS meters are helpful for analyzing the purity of your aquarium water. Ideally, fresh water used to your aquarium needs to have a TDS reading of 0 parts per million (ppm). Experts advise that water used for a fish aquarium be under 30 ppm. For a reef aquarium, the reading should be below 10 ppm. There is a TDS meter a must if you filter your aquarium water. TDS meters are cheap and are available at local aquarium retailers.

Temperature Control


A thermometer is a essential part of a aquarium setup. Water must be kept within a temperature range that was limited to avoid stressing the animals. The alternative is a glass thermometer which may be connected using suction cups. Digital thermometers are also available which can be attached to the exterior of the tank. They’ve a cable. Many thermometers have an alarm which can be set to go off if the temperature becomes too high or too low. A marine aquarium ought to be kept within a selection of 76 degrees F (25 degrees C) and 82 degrees F (28 degrees C). You might have to add a heater or chiller if your aquarium temperature varies outside this range.


Heaters must be used to maintain the temperature of an Aquarium through the winter or in cold climates. Heaters can be bought at specialty aquarium shops and pet stores. Heaters come in various sizes. You’ve got when buying a heater, be certain that you get. The rule of thumb is 25 g for each 5 gallons (19 liters) of water from the aquarium. You might have to use two heaters For those who have a large aquarium. With heaters, it’s much better to get one that is large than to get. Heaters come in a number of kinds.

Immersible Heaters

Immersible heaters heat by direct contact. They are the cheapest option for heating an aquarium. They can’t be submerged beneath the water. This can make them hard since they have to be placed with their shirts from the water to put in the tank.

Submersible Heaters

Submersible heat. They can be Completely submerged beneath the water. This makes them a option with aquarium hobbyists. Their versatility makes them, although the do cost a bit more than heaters that are immersible. Heaters are available with metallic and glass bodies. The metallic heaters are stronger and will last, although the glass heaters are cheaper.


If your aquarium fever is currently running too hot Because of warm Aquarium or room lights, a chiller will help keep the water cool. There is A chiller a refrigeration device that’s connected to cool the water. Then a chiller will be essential in environments, if you’re planning to keep coral on your aquarium. Chillers come in three different types.

Thermoelectric Chillers

Chillers provide energy and a quiet efficient Way to cool aquariums. By converting electricity thermoelectric chillers operate. They’re meant for aquariums of 55 gallons (208 liters) or less.

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Drop-In Chillers

Drop-In Chillers have. The A two or three foot hose connect probe. Since they require no plumbing chillers are easy to add to existing systems. They make an ideal choice for systems with limited space. They do take up space in the sump and the probe can be tough to work with. They can be found in various sizes and can be used with aquariums.

In-Line Chillers

Chillers that were in-Line must be plumbed system plumbing. They are placed between the yield and the sump Line into the aquarium. They need more space than chillers that are drop-in and Should be contained in the plans for a new aquarium. They are more convenient than chillers that are drop-in since there is no probe taking up space in the sump. They are available in different sizes and May be used with aquariums.


Calcium Reactors

Reactors are Maintain the amount of calcium in the aquarium. A calcium reactor may be an important tool. They remove calcium Since the animals in an aquarium grow. This calcium has to be replenished. 1 way is through water changes with a reef aquarium. Liquid calcium additives are available. Water adding calcium and testing are sufficient to maintain levels. However, some amateurs, particularly those with reef tanks that are large, prefer the security that a calcium reactor can offer. The calcium reactor will help maintain levels of alkalinity and calcium. This may be important when maintaining corals that are sensitive.

Phosphate Reactors

Reactors that are phosphate are Reduce the amount of phosphates from the aquarium water. Phosphates are chemicals that build up in the water because of fish food, fish waste, and other sources. Phosphates add to the growth us algae in the aquarium and in high concentrations, they can be toxic to invertebrates and fish. Regular maintenance cleaning, and water changes can usually controls phosphates. Reactors may help remove phosphates. They include a tube that’s full of a removal medium and is connected to a pump in the sump. They are easy and inexpensive to install. They can help if you would like to keep a good deal of livestock in the 19, keep phosphates.

Protein Skimmers

Protein skimmers are devices used to eliminate waste from aquarium water. They work by mixing water. The bubbles cause the waste to grow into a cup in which it discarded and could be collected . Protein skimmers are suggested for aquariums since they can help keep the water pure and clean. Skimmers come in various sizes. . With skimmers, bigger is better. Though there are skimmers are installed in the sump. When buying a skimmer for your aquarium, be certain that you get one that’s big enough for the size of your tank and the amount of creatures (the bioload) you’ve got.

UV Sterilizers

Ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers are devices that use high Intensity ultraviolet light to eliminate contaminants. Bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae spores can be removed by UV sterilizers. They are hooked up inline with the water. The organisms are destroyed by the light, as the water passes through the apparatus. UV sterilizers can be helpful for preventing algae blooms and diseases . They are not suggested for reef aquariums as they can destroy organisms like plankton and nitrifying bacteria. They can be costly, depending on the size of the aquarium. Light is harmful to your vision when working on it so the unit should be unplugged. A UV sterilizer may help to prevent diseases and help to keep your aquarium of algae, if you’re planning to set up a saltwater fish tank without a invertebrates.

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Chemicals & Supplements


A trip to some aquarium specialty store may reveal a wall of Jars and bottles that looks like the chemistry laboratory of Doctor Frankenstein. There are hundreds of substances that are commercial and nutritional supplements available. The majority of them are unnecessary and, depending on who you speak to, some are flat out snake oil. If you need to use tap water dechlorinators can be helpful. Should you experience an ammonia spike, ammonia removers can be useful in an emergency, but it ought to be used. Overuse make it recycle from scratch and can purge the bacteria in your system. Provided that you perform your water changes using pure water and an quality salt mixture, you should not have any need.


A Vast Array of plant nutritional supplements are available from your Aquarium retailer. The number can be confusing. If you’re diligent in doing your water changes that are scheduled with a great quality salt mix, you should not have any need to add nutritional supplements. There are a few supplements that are useful for reef aquariums. Nutritional supplements for alkalinity and calcium can be useful for maintaining levels. Care has to be taken to check the water to keep the levels. Other nutritional supplements that are used by amateurs include magnesium. These supplements should be used by aquarists that know what they’re currently doing. Adding too much of those elements can lead to problems. The guideline for supplements is do not add anything which you can’t test for.

Salt Mixes

Aquarium salt mixes contain sea salt blended with other Essential elements like calcium. These mixes are meant to mimic the composition of sea water. There are two types and lots of brands. Standard salt mixes are acceptable for fish aquariums. They’re the least expensive choice. Most manufacturers offer a reef combination, which contains components essential for the growth of corals. When used for a reef aquarium these mixes cost more but will yield better results. Immediate Ocean is among the brands. They make a reef mix in addition to a mix.



Powerheads are Within the aquarium to provide water movement. They can be connected to the glass with magnets or suction cups. Powerheads will help prevent the formation of spots with little and create a current in the water. Coral demands water motion to assist the creatures expel waste products. Powerheads are a necessity. Most experts recommend adding two powerheads at the end of the tank at various heights, on in a reef tank. This will produce present give a environment and to benefit from coral. There are devices available that can be hooked up to pulse off and on them to make as it recreates the waves on the coral reef, a wave activity, which is beneficial to coral.

Test Kits

Water test kits are an essential part of each aquarium system. Weekly, your water should be tested. For fish-only You need to test ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH. For marine You will need to monitor calcium and alkalinity. You should check levels. Test Kits are available from several manufacturers and are available at your Aquarium stores and retailer. Many fish stores (LFS) will offer to check your water at no cost. However, even if you decide to Test your water in this manner, you always need to keep test kits for emergencies. This way if something goes, you can take action Your store and wrong is closed.

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