5 Common Misconceptions Of Homeowners About Garage Door Repair


Most homeowners try to take on home improvement projects they don’t know a thing about, only to save a few dollars. While you may pick up how to fix a leaky faucet by watching a few videos on Youtube, there is no alternative to signing a specialist for the job when it comes to garage door repair Frisco TX. Still, some homeowners assume that opting for DIY garage door repair could be the best thing they can do. However, that’s never the case after all. Therefore, before you decide to repair your garage door yourself, here are a few misconceptions about garage door repairs you might want to know.

Garage Door Repair Frisco TX Is Easy

Possibly one of the most common garage door delusions is that many people assume that it’s a good morning for a DIY project, and taking on a garage door opener repair Frisco TX isn’t complicated at all. However, these are complex and tricky pieces of machinery. They have several components involved, including hinges and rollers, a wall switch, a chain-driver motor or a screw, remote controls, cables, and a magic eye—no need to mention that they are all heavy. Understanding how to replace or adjust the whole drive mechanism is way more than complex, and this task undoubtedly requires an expert on the spot.

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Slow Door Is Normal

That’s another huge and common misconception. You should be highly observant about when you feel your garage door is operating slower than usual. It is typically a warning sign that you’ll need a garage door repair Frisco TX service. In other words, you could be in for something more serious as your garage door can break down, and if it falls on you, it can injure you or, at worse, even death.

Cutting Th Power Is Enough To Be Safe

No doubt, cutting the electricity to the motor by switching the circuit breaker is all you need to avoid an electric shock. However, it won’t protect you from injury arising from the weight of the door, a broken hinge, or a spring. Garage doors have blinded more eyes and amputated more fingers than anything else among all home chores. Therefore, a circuit breaker won’t protect you while a professional can.

Garage Door Repair Is Costly

Most homeowners evade professional services for garage door opener repair Frisco TX just because they assume that hiring professionals is costly. However, as often is the case, skipping these services can prove more expensive in the long run. You can actually avail a number of reasonable garage door maintenance and repair. All you need to do is know where to find them.

A Noisy Door Is OK

While it’s highly challenging to find a garage door that makes no sounds when opening or closing, generating too much noise is never normal; thus, when this happens, it’s a sign that something is wrong with your door.

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Do you need garage door services? Core Garage Door will be more than happy to serve you. Thus, call us now!

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1 Comment

  • Thanks for the reminder that it’s important to be mindful of the costs early on when planning to get some garage door repair services done. I’d like to know more about how to find a good contractor for that because my garage doors seems to be having electrical problems lately. I think that something is wrong with its wiring.

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