Google Shortener Links will Stop Working Permanently In 25 Aug 2025


Google has announced that their URL Shortener (*) will stop working permanently in the coming year dated 25 Aug 2025, Source

Who is affected?

All users using Google URL Shortener* will be affected. You should take immediate action to change your URL Shorterner provider.

Google has also informed that starting from August 23, 2024, links will start displaying an interstitial page for a percentage of existing links notifying your users that the link will no longer be supported after August 25th, 2025 prior to navigating to the original target page.

Interstitial page shown for some links starting on August 23, 2024

In the mean time Google will continue to display this interstitial page until the shutdown date after which all links served will return a 404 response.

Google also wrote that:

Note that the interstitial page may cause disruptions in the current flow of your links. For example, if you are using other 302 redirects, the interstitial page may prevent the redirect flow from completing correctly. If you’ve embedded social metadata in your destination page, the interstitial page will likely cause these to no longer show up where the initial link is displayed. For this reason, we advise transitioning these links as soon as possible.

What to do next?

SUPEDIUM would like to inform that all users that uses Google URL Shortener should take immediate action in order to prevent users being redirect to 404 Error page which will cause inconvenience to your users.

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SUPEDIUM hope that this article found to be useful for our users and stay tuned for more latest update like this!

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