European Capital Market Institute – Definition


European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI)

The European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) is an autonomous research institute that performs research and studies on European capital markets and related issues. The ECMI was established in 1993. It is overseen by the Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS).

A Little More on What is the European Capital Markets Institute

The European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI) states its central goal advising on European capital markets. Pursuant to this objective, it conducts autonomous research and educates people and policymakers on important issues relevant to EU capital markets. Its primary research areas are:

  • money supply issues,
  • capital markets effectiveness,
  • exchanging and post-exchanging market frameworks,
  • corporate financing,
  • retail and institutional ventures,
  • resource administration, and
  • monetary innovation (fintech).

ECMI creates working papers, research reports, and books. Moreover, it updates factual databases on European and worldwide capital markets. It intends to encourage communication among market members, policymakers and scholars. Towards this objective, it frequently conducts workshops and courses focusing on issues facing European capital markets. It holds its annual conference each year in in Brussels, Belgium, uniting more than 30 state speakers and in excess of 300 members. ECMI membership is extended to privately owned businesses/associations, scholars, financial institutions, credit rating agencies, banks, member of stock exchanges, ISDA and the ECB. It has more than 50 members which include members from central banks, academic and research institutes, financial firms, commerce industry, regulatory bodies, commercial banks and more.

See also  Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Definition

References for European Capital Market Institute

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