Health tips: Is avocado toast good for the body?


Health tips: Is avocado toast good for the body?

Over the years, people have become extremely health-conscious. I feel the pandemic has had a role to play in it as well! With people staying mostly indoors, most of us have added a few kilos, and thus, it would be a surprise not to see an avocado toast on your breakfast or brunch menu. The popular meal comes with a crusty or toasted bread, with mashed ripe avocado on top, and some salt and pepper to add to its buttery taste. Of course, it can be customized whichever way you like, but the basic always stays the same – avocado and bread. So, let’s deep dive into it and find out whether it is really any good for the body.

Does having avocado toast in Montreal make sense?

  • Keeps your tummy full: Avocado is characterized as a fruit rich in fat – albeit monounsaturated fats – the good type that’s beneficial for the body. As the body takes longer to digest fat, you feel pretty satisfied after having it and wouldn’t suffer from hunger pangs for a long time. Once you pair it with whole grain bread, you’d be having a good deal of fiber as well, so it will keep you more contented and full.
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack: Fats are of two types – the good type and the bad type. So, replacing the artery-clogging saturated fat with monounsaturated fat is the first step to keeping yourself fit and fine. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends people have avocados. Some of the best dieticians around the globe and even celebrities recommend replacing saturated fat in your diet with avocados as it is known to significantly lower the risk of heart attacks.
  • Reduces risk of macular degeneration: Believe it or not, but this small fruit packs a serious nutritional punch. It comes replete with carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin. Such plant compounds generally give plants and fruits their natural green, orange, and yellow colors. That is not all! The same phytonutrients – lutein and zeaxanthin, are also found in the macula – the area of the retina that provides sharpness to your eyesight. Research has revealed that having food items rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, can significantly slow down the process of macular degeneration, which if left unchecked can lead to loss of vision in old age.
  • Provides much-needed vitamins: When you dig into an avocado toast in Montreal, the monounsaturated fat from the fruit gets absorbed into the body. The fat, in turn, helps the body in absorbing Vitamins A, D, E, and K. For those who don’t know, such vitamins are also termed fat-soluble vitamins, chiefly because they need fat to be absorbed into the body.
  • Boosts sex drive: Yup, you read that right! If you are looking for natural food items to boost your sex drive, add avocado to your diet. The minerals found in the fruit – chiefly zinc and copper, are good for our endocrine system – the glands that release hormones into our blood and boost our sex drive. They are particularly of use to men, as it significantly boosts testosterone levels. If you are into lifting weights or simply looking for more power to help you through workouts, include avocados in your diet plan.
  • Keeps blood pressure normal: We’ve already mentioned how avocado is a powerhouse of nutrients, and thus, even half an avocado provides almost 10% of your daily dose of potassium. This is even more than the 9% potassium you typically get from a medium-sized banana. Potassium helps in maintaining fluid in our cells, handles our nervous system, and even regulates heart and muscle contractions. In fact, those with blood pressure issues, need potassium to keep their blood pressure under check.
  • Improves digestion: Despite the rich buttery or creamy texture, avocado is generally high in fiber. In fact, every half of avocado provides about 6-7 grams of fiber to the body. So, when you have avocado toast in Montreal, you actually consume lots of natural fiber, which helps in preventing constipation, maintaining a healthy digestive tract, and even lowers the chances of colon cancer. It helps in proper bowel movements and also promotes daily excretion of toxins through stool and bile.
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Key takeaway

There’s clearly a lot to love about avocados and avocado toasts. It is often called a superfood, and rightfully so. In fact, I’ve never come across any other fruit that offers the same level of benefits and nutrients, not even close! So, if you are serious about your health, and want to change your food habits, you should include avocados in your diet plan. And though there are tons of different ways how you can have avocados, the avocado toast is definitely a great one. That said, not everyone has the luxury of time to come up with unique avocado recipes and try them out. So what do you do? Well, find a place that delivers simple, seasonal, and healthy food – one that genuinely cares about your well-being, because nobody said healthy food can’t be awesome!

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