Dos and Don’ts before a Big Exam


Anxious crowd knows how an important paper can disrupt our entire digestive system. From taking frequent bathroom breaks to not have any appetite exams are hated by all of us. People who have spent their entire life preparing for big papers must realize the implications of not being well-prepared before a big exam.

Although it is also true that anxiety before a paper is not only a result of poor preparation but it also originates from other factors. You could be all educated for the big paper but not having the confidence makes you doubt yourself. In such cases it is important that you have a great self-esteem and just believe in yourself. Other than that here are some Dos and Don’ts before a big paper coming ahead.


Take Practice Test

One of the greatest ways to ace in situation is to practice that situation. No we don’t recommend you retaking the same exam over and over again but practice tests are a great way to start. They will tell you about the progress, your command over the subject and also highlight how well you are doing. Another great advantage of practice tests is that they prepare you for the closest experience so once you sit to take that paper you won’t be fretting too much in anxiety.

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But make sure to take practice tests from only reliable sources. Since, exams are curated in a specific way, a wrong exam can shatter your confidence. The Uworld discount code is a great start for people who want to take a hit on their preparation.

Eat Well

Your body cannot be prepared unless you feed it the right energy. And taking a proper diet is an integral part of preparing for the big day. Make sure your diet is full of energy and high value foods that not only make you feel good but also gives your brain the energy it needs. Opting for comfort food is a good idea as well but it might not be very healthy for you. Add nuts, oats, fruits and other vegetables in your diet if you want to be ready for the big day.


Meditation is proven to be very effective in combatting stress and anxiety. People who meditate have a great grasp over their emotions and are stronger in their day to day adventures. Especially before a big exam, meditation can put you in the right mindset and also calm your brain before.


A Good night’s sleep is essential to reset the mindset of the learner.  Without a proper sleep you cannot enjoy anything in life let alone taking important tests. When you sleep well, your brain feels well rested and your thought process will activate for better results. Make sure to not indulge in phone or fretting over the test details before a big test.


A short movie or a clip from your favorite TV show is a good idea before a big test. Sure, this may sound contradictory but a little laugh can deviate your mind from the stress of exam and you will feel a lot fresher for the big paper.

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Not to discover and reopen the whole syllabus the night before and go crazy but to go over major points is beneficial. Make sure you have some bullet points or flash cards sorted out to make this process easier. The last few minutes before you turn out the light are ideal for memorizing. Learning before night enhances memory retention, so while you’re in bed, go over the most important information, equations, or terminology. Then turn off the light.


Don’t Overdo It

Eat a healthy meal in the morning and review your most essential information before leaving the house. Then take a look or two if there is the time on the drive to the exam. Stop using your intellect when you go to the exam room. You’ll never know what you’re talking about if you don’t know what you’re talking about by now! Too much cramming the night before might put your mind into a spiral.

Don’t Drink Too Much Water

When there is a toll on anxiety, it is natural to feel thirsty more than usual. Although giving in to your thirst wouldn’t be wise in this case. You don’t need to drink a lot of water; just a sip per hour will suffice. During the exam, dehydration will not be an issue, but drinking a lot of water and wanting to go to the bathroom every five minutes will. The drink is merely a temporary distraction to allow your brain and hand a rest.

Don’t Stay up All Night

Last-minute cramming prevents your brain from transferring knowledge from short-term to long-term memory. Short study periods spread out across time have been shown to be more successful in studying and retaining knowledge. You wouldn’t go to the gym for seven hours the day before a marathon, and you shouldn’t cram for seven hours the night before a huge test.


Don’t Compare

Your friend might be few chapters ahead of you but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to finish the course on time.  When preparing for an exam, comparing is the worst thing to do to yourself so avoid comparing progress and make sure you are progressing in your own way and own comfortable pace.

Don’t Study in Bed

Your bed covers are just for sleeping or maybe for late night munching too. Don’t make it a place to study. Because the brain is built for sleeping in one’s own Bed, even sitting on it will make you think about the golden times you had while you were resting peacefully.

Hence, it’s more probable that you’ll drift asleep than that you’ll truly absorb study materials. Similarly, studying in bed might make sleeping more difficult – you may become restless while thinking about school. Sleep deprivation affects your ability to learn and reduces the focus required to operate the next day.

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