Extrinsic Motivation


Extrinsic motivation means behaviour that’s driven by external rewards such as money, fame, grades, and compliments. This sort of motivation arises from.

What’s Extrinsic Motivation?

For reading this report, think. Are you trying to learn the content so you can find a good grade on your psychology course? This means that you’re studying the material to acquire external reinforcement (obtaining a good grade), meaning your behaviour is extrinsically motivated.

If, on the other hand, You’re reading this because you are interested in learning more about human behaviour that would be an example of motivation.

Will continue to perform an Action though the task may not be in and of itself rewarding.


Someone who functions in a place, for example, might Perform. Because this man is getting an extrinsic reward (a paycheck) for completing these tasks, he or she’ll feel motivated to execute them.

When you want to get someone to do something, like getting your kids to do their homework, what’s the best way? People might begin by offering some kind of rewards like a toy or a treat. Because the behaviour is motivated by a desire to acquire an external reward, this is an excellent example of motivation. Unlike motivation, which originates from within the personal motivation is focused only on external benefits.

Extrinsic Motivation Can Involve Tangible or Emotional Rewards

Motivation is defined as our Propensity Activities to be able to gain some kind of known reward. It’s important to remember that these benefits can be psychological or tangible. Decorations and money are two kinds of rewards. Folks participate in activities that they may not find rewarding or enjoyable to make a wage. Athletes participate in hard and strenuous training sessions to win awards and decorations, to have the ability to compete in sporting events.

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Praise and can be included by forms of motivation public acclaim. Her room might clean to be able to receive compliments. To be able to receive attention and acclaim an actor might play in a role. While the payoff isn’t tangible or physical, it’s a sort of motivating reward that’s external to the procedure for participating in the case.

How Successful Is Extrinsic Motivation?

So do extrinsic rewards work for motivation? This sort of motivation can be effective. Just look to be able to gain some form of reward that is external, which you do. You may shop with a store loyalty card to gain prizes, discounts, and points. You may toil away tasks in the office to be able to keep getting a paycheck that you dislike. To get airline miles, you may use a sort of credit card. All these are examples to get an external reward of accomplishing behaviours.

Extrinsic Motivation Can Occasionally Backfire

While motivation cans increase Sometimes, Researchers also have found that this isn’t always the case. In actuality, offering excessive rewards can result in a reduction in intrinsic motivation.

The propensity of extrinsic motivation to interfere with intrinsic motivation is called the overjustification effect. This involves a reduction in intrinsically motivated behaviours following the behaviour is extrinsically rewarded and the psychologist is then discontinued.

In a classic experiment by Lepper, Greene, & Nisbett Were rewarded lavishly for drawing felt-tip pens, an activity they had previously enjoyed performing on their own during playtime.1 When the kids were later offered the opportunity to play with the pencils during playtime, the kids who were rewarded for using them showed little interest in playing the pens again. However, continued to play with the pencils.

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Would reward an intrinsical behaviour lead For this disinterest? 1 reason is that people tend to test their motives. They assign significance once they’ve been rewarded for doing an action. Another explanation is that actions that feel like fun or play can be transformed into work or duties when connected to an external benefit.

Rewards can be a significant tool in motivating behaviour, But specialists warn that they should be used with care, particularly.

Best Uses of Extrinsic Motivation

Motivators are applied in situations Initial interest in acting or in cases where skills are lacking, to performing a behaviour, but these rewards should be kept small and needs to be tied. Some skills are established and once some interest was generated, the motivators must be phased out.

Motivation can exert a strong influence As research on the overjustification effect reveals, although behaviour, it has its limitations. You may also find it useful to consider whether you’re intrinsically or extrinsically motivated when participating in certain actions. Are you looking forward to your workout in the gym as you’ve got a bit about who will lose the weight with a buddy? You are motivated. Then you are motivated if, on the other hand, you’re happy to work out since you discover the action fun and satisfying.

Motivation isn’t a bad thing. External rewards can be Effective and useful tool for getting people to stay on and motivated task. When people need to finish, this can be important Something they find dull or difficult, including a boring Homework assignment or a project that is dull work-related.

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