6 Important Ideas Behind Theories of Motivation
Researchers have developed several theories to explain motivation. Each theory will be...
The Little Albert Psychology Experiment
The”Little Albert” experiment was a famous psychology experiment conducted by behaviourist John...
Positive and Negative Reinforcement at Operant Conditioning
One of the numerous distinct ways people can learn is through a...
Psychology of How People Learn
Learning is defined as a change in behaviour That’s the result of...
Variable-Ratio Schedules Characteristics
In operant conditioning, a variable-ratio program is a program of reinforcement Where...
How Reinforcement Schedules Work
Conditioning is a learning process in acquired and modified through their association...
Understanding Passive-Aggressive Behavior
Passive-aggressive behaviors are those which involve acting indirectly competitive rather than directly...
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation means behaviour that’s driven by external rewards such as money,...
How the Process of Homeostasis Works
Homeostasis refers to the requirement of the body to maintain a state...
Compensation and Defense Mechanisms
The term compensation refers to a Kind of defence mechanism where people...
Behaviour Analysis in Psychology
Behaviour analysis is rooted in learning principles to bring about behaviour change....
Aversion Treatment Programs and Effectiveness
Aversion therapy is a sort of behavioural treatment that entails repeating pairing...
Biological Prepared and Classical Conditioning
Preparedness is the idea that animals and people are Inclined to form...