Assignment Reference Website for Universities


What is Referencing?

Research involves using ideas from other people and working to draw your conclusions. All sources that you used must be acknowledged.

If the reference is accurate:

  • You can quickly and easily find a source of information again
  • The source of the information you used in your assignments can be found by your lecturers and tutors
  • Others who read your work may find the source of the information
  • You may share information without having to provide a copy of the source
  • You acknowledge the efforts of the original author who may have spent years creating that information source or finding the facts.

What is Plagiarism?

If you try to dismiss the work of another as your own, that is plagiarism.

If you have plagiarised content in your work, you may be penalized by:

  • To have your assignment resubmitted
  • Is marked down
  • Possibility of assignment retake
  • Plagiarism can be incidental or intentional.

How Does One Avoid Plagiarism?

Whenever you use information that someone else has written, you need to reference or cite the source. There are many styles of reference, but in the end, they all include the following elements:

  • Authorship
  • Published year and date
  • The working title
  • The title of the worked publication is given in
  • Name and place of posting
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Supedium recommends Cite This for Me for universities and college students that want to easily search for the source of their assignment.

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