WordPress Instructions


WordPress is a free web application for creating professional and eye-catching websites. Without a doubt, the platform is one of the most popular Open Source applications these days. The user-friendly admin interface and easy-to-use themes and plugins, which are mostly provided for free, help to contribute to this.

WordPress began as a blogging platform used by millions of people. Within a few years, the platform had established itself as a solid foundation for numerous businesses, social networks, and even e-commerce websites. These sites necessitated the application’s transformation into a fully manageable CMS based on PHP and MySQL.

WordPress is now used by over 60 million websites that are hosted on the internet, and this number is growing by the minute. With our WordPress Hosting Packages, you can begin your WordPress web-hosting experience in a matter of minutes and with just a few clicks. We have optimised our servers for speed and security, including PHP 7.3 and various malware and malicious blocking systems, to make your website feel at home.


It is recommended that you use the following to run WordPress:

  • PHP version 7.3 or higher is required.
  • MySQL 5.6 or higher OR MariaDB 10.1 or higher
  • HTTPS compatibility

Safety is paramount.

WordPress is available for installation on a variety of platforms. Though the WordPress core software includes many features for running a secure web application, the configuration of the operating system and the underlying web server hosting the software is also critical for keeping WordPress applications secure.

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FastCloud Security is a service provided by FastCloud.

We use the suPHP handler to run PHP on all of our servers, which is one of the most secure ways to run PHP. It also allows you to track the origin of each process execution. As a result, we can assist clients in locating a faulty running script. This is also referred to as running PHP from the account username rather than a shared one. WordPress also recommends having that type of server set up.
a road map

Businesses and developers have been looking for a way to provide a unified experience to users and customers across all channels. Furthermore, WordPress has been evolving for quite some time and has been pushing the boundaries of the “CMS” confinement for the past year. All of this has propelled WordPress to the status of Digital Experience Platform (DXP), elevating it above the CMS norm. With features such as a built-in REST API and Gutenberg’s block structure, the platform is already making inroads into the DXP market.

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