
Bun is a fast JavaScript all-in-one toolkit, runtime, package manager, bundler, test runner.

It was being developed to, test, run, and bundle JavaScript & TypeScript projects.

Bun is also known as an all-in-one JavaScript runtime & toolkit designed for speed, complete with a bundler, test runner, and Node.js-compatible package manager.

How to install Bun?

To Install Bun v1.0.0, use the code below, currently it only supports installation on macOS, Linux, and WSL.

curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

Source Code

$ bun run

Bun is a JavaScript runtime.

Bun is a new JavaScript runtime built from scratch to serve the modern JavaScript ecosystem. It has three major design goals:

  • Speed. Bun starts fast and runs fast. It extends JavaScriptCore, the performance-minded JS engine built for Safari. As computing moves to the edge, this is critical.
  • Elegant APIs. Bun provides a minimal set of highly-optimimized APIs for performing common tasks, like starting an HTTP server and writing files.
  • Cohesive DX. Bun is a complete toolkit for building JavaScript apps, including a package manager, test runner, and bundler.

Bun is designed as a drop-in replacement for Node.js. It natively implements hundreds of Node.js and Web APIs, including fs, path, Buffer and more.

The goal of Bun is to run most of the world’s server-side JavaScript and provide tools to improve performance, reduce complexity, and multiply developer productivity.

The APIs you need.

Start an HTTP server


const server = Bun.serve({
  port: 3000,
  fetch(request) {
    return new Response("Welcome to Bun!");

console.log(`Listening on localhost:${server.port}`);

Start a WebSocket server


const server = Bun.serve<{ authToken: string; }>({
  fetch(req, server) {
    // use a library to parse cookies
    const cookies = parseCookies(req.headers.get("Cookie"));
    server.upgrade(req, {
      data: { authToken: cookies['X-Token'] },
  websocket: {
    // handler called when a message is received
    async message(ws, message) {
      console.log(`Received: ${message}`);
      const user = getUserFromToken(ws.data.authToken);
      await db.Message.insert({
        message: String(message),
        userId: user.id,

console.log(`Listening on localhost:${server.port}`);

Read and write files


const file = Bun.file(import.meta.dir + '/package.json'); // BunFile

const pkg = await file.json(); // BunFile extends Blob
pkg.name = 'my-package';
pkg.version = '1.0.0';

await Bun.write(file, pkg);

Hash a password


const password = "super-secure-pa$$word";

const hash = await Bun.password.hash(password);
// => $argon2id$v=19$m=65536,t=2,p=1$tFq+9AVr1bfPxQdh...

const isMatch = await Bun.password.verify(password, hash);
// => true

Bundle for the browser


await Bun.build({
  entrypoints: ["./index.tsx"],
  outdir: "./build",
  minify: true,
  plugins: [ /* ... */ ]

Write a test


import { describe, expect, test, beforeAll } from "bun:test";

beforeAll(() => {
  // setup tests

describe("math", () => {
  test("addition", () => {
    expect(2 + 2).toBe(4);
    expect(7 + 13).toMatchSnapshot();

File system routing


const router = new Bun.FileSystemRouter({
  style: "nextjs",
  dir: "/path/to/pages"

const match = router.match("/blog/my-cool-post");
match.filePath; // "/path/to/pages/blog/[slug].tsx",
match.kind; // "dynamic"
match.params; // { slug: "my-cool-post" }

Read a stream


const response = await fetch("https://bun.sh");

await Bun.readableStreamToArrayBuffer(response.body); // => ArrayBuffer
await Bun.readableStreamToBlob(response.body); // => Blob
await Bun.readableStreamToJSON(response.body); // => object
await Bun.readableStreamToText(response.body); // => string
await Bun.readableStreamToArray(response.body); // => unknown[]

Spawn a child process


const proc = Bun.spawn(["echo", "hello"], {
  cwd: "./path/to/subdir", // specify a working direcory
  env: { ...process.env, FOO: "bar" }, // specify environment variables
  onExit(proc, exitCode, signalCode, error) {
    // exit handler

const text = await new Response(proc.stdout).text();
console.log(text); // => "hello"

Call a C function


import { dlopen, FFIType, suffix } from "bun:ffi";

// `suffix` is either "dylib", "so", or "dll" depending on the platform
const path = `libsqlite3.${suffix}`;

const {
  symbols: {
    sqlite3_libversion, // the function to call
} = dlopen(path, {
  sqlite3_libversion: {
    args: [], // no arguments
    returns: FFIType.cstring, // returns a string

console.log(`SQLite 3 version: ${sqlite3_libversion()}`);

Install Bun in 3 Simple Steps

Step 1 (Install Bun)

curl -fsSL https://bun.sh/install | bash

Step 2 (Write your code)


const server = Bun.serve({
  port: 3000,
  fetch(request) {
    return new Response("Welcome to Bun!");

console.log(`Listening on localhost:${server.port}`);

Step 3 (Run the file)

bun index.tsx


Let’s write a simple HTTP server using the built-in Bun.serve API. First, create a fresh directory.

mkdir quickstart
cd quickstart

Run bun init to scaffold a new project. It’s an interactive tool; for this tutorial, just press enter to accept the default answer for each prompt.

bun init

bun init helps you get started with a minimal project and tries to
guess sensible defaults. Press ^C anytime to quit.

package name (quickstart):
entry point (index.ts):

Done! A package.json file was saved in the current directory.
+ index.ts
+ .gitignore
+ tsconfig.json (for editor auto-complete)

To get started, run:
bun run index.ts

Since the entry point is a *.ts file, Bun generates a tsconfig.json for you. If you’re using plain JavaScript, it will generate a jsconfig.json instead.

Run a file

Open index.ts and paste the following code snippet, which implements a simple HTTP server with Bun.serve.

const server = Bun.serve({
  port: 3000,
  fetch(req) {
    return new Response(`Bun!`);

console.log(`Listening on http://localhost:${server.port} ...`);

Run the file from your shell.

bun index.ts

Listening at http://localhost:3000 …

Visit http://localhost:3000 to test the server. You should see a simple page that says “Bun!”.

Run a script

Bun can also execute "scripts" from your package.json. Add the following script:

  "name": "quickstart",
  "module": "index.ts",
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "bun run index.ts"
  "devDependencies": {
    "bun-types": "^0.7.0"

Then run it with bun run start.

bun run start

$ bun run index.ts
Listening on http://localhost:4000…

⚡️ Performancebun run is roughly 28x faster than npm run (6ms vs 170ms of overhead).

Install a Package

Let’s make our server a little more interesting by installing a package. First install the figlet package and its type declarations. Figlet is a utility for converting strings into ASCII art.

bun add figlet
bun add -d @types/figlet 

Update index.ts to use figlet in the fetch handler.

import figlet from "figlet";

const server = Bun.serve({
  fetch() {
    const body = figlet.textSync('Bun!');
    return new Response(body);
    return new Response(`Bun!`);
  port: 3000,

Restart the server and refresh the page. You should see a new ASCII art banner.

  ____              _
 | __ ) _   _ _ __ | |
 |  _ | | | | '_ | |
 | |_) | |_| | | | |_|
 |____/ __,_|_| |_(_)

That’s it!



Bun statically links JavaScriptCore (and WebKit) which is LGPL-2 licensed. WebCore files from WebKit are also licensed under LGPL2. Per LGPL2:

(1) If you statically link against an LGPL’d library, you must also provide your application in an object (not necessarily source) format, so that a user has the opportunity to modify the library and relink the application.

You can find the patched version of WebKit used by Bun here: https://github.com/oven-sh/webkit. If you would like to relink Bun with changes:

  • git submodule update --init --recursive
  • make jsc
  • zig build

This compiles JavaScriptCore, compiles Bun’s .cpp bindings for JavaScriptCore (which are the object files using JavaScriptCore) and outputs a new bun binary with your changes.

Linked libraries

Bun statically links these libraries:

boringsslseveral licenses
libarchiveseveral licenses
lol-htmlBSD 3-Clause
picohttpdual-licensed under the Perl License or the MIT License
zstddual-licensed under the BSD License or GPLv2 license
simdutfApache 2.0
tinyccLGPL v2.1
uSocketsApache 2.0
c-aresMIT licensed
libicu 72license here
libbase64BSD 2-Clause
A fork of uWebsocketsApache 2.0 licensed
Parts of Tigerbeetle’s IO codeApache 2.0 licensed


For compatibility reasons, the following packages are embedded into Bun’s binary and injected if imported.


Additional credits

  • Bun’s JS transpiler, CSS lexer, and Node.js module resolver source code is a Zig port of @evanw’s esbuild project.
  • Credit to @kipply for the name “Bun”!